One of the most memorable and exciting events just took place; you are now engaged to the love of your life. The wedding bells are ringing and your friends and family are surrounding you with questions of endearment about the future ceremony and reception. What venue have you selected? What are you going to do for wedding entertainment? One question you now have to ask, maybe just as nerve-racking as the question your new fiancé has just asked you. You now have to ask your closest friend or family member – “Will you be my maid of honor?” Now, asking this special person to be your Maid of Honor deserves some creativity and surprise elements. It’s your turn to pop the question to the other very special person in your life. Here are some of our favorite ways to pop the question:

  • Maid of Honor Gift Box – Fill a deceiving package with all the Maid of Honor essentials. As your go-to girl for wedding advice and stress relief, she may need some preparing for the adventure you two are about to go on. A small bottle of champagne, a customized “Maid of Honor” champagne glass, “Maid of Honor” tank top, Starbucks gift card (she’ll need her caffeine), and a small special note popping the question will complete the Maid of Honor gift box. Also, feel free add any personal touches you feel symbolizes your friendship or relationship over the years!
  • Cupcake Surprise – Every girl loves her chocolate (or vanilla) and what better way to pop the question to your Maid of Honor, than with a little cupcake flagged with a personal note asking them “Will you be my Maid of Honor?” This is also a great idea to use to ask any of your soon-to-be bridesmaids to be apart of your special day, and it can all be done at the same time! Have a small tea party and invite your Maid of Honor and bridesmaids-to-be and give them the best surprise treats by popping the question with a customized cupcake.
  • Honorable Wine – A trend lately has been sticking personalized labels on wine bottles to pop the question. Invite your Maid of Honor over for a cocktail hour. Engrave a cloth wine bag with the name and present it with her customized wine bottles. She will be sure to be surprised!
  • Popping the Question Crossword Edition – Sometimes creativity in popping the question to your best friend can be best described in terms of simplicity. Create a crossword puzzle for your prospective Maid of Honor fit with a custom-made set of clues to tempt her to guess the awaiting surprise!

Just got engaged? How will you pop the “Will you be my maid of honor” question?