Facebook isn’t the social media network that’s useful for event planners; Instagram can help, as well. Originally launched in 2010 by tech-savvy entrepreneurs Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger, Instagram is a powerful tool for professional event planners. Using it, you can share photos of the event planning process, network with other like-minded organizers, and create greater recognition for your brand.

Post Photos

Event planners should leverage the power of Instagram by posting photos to their account. Once you’ve found a venue for the event, walk around and snap photos of it to share with your followers. Doing so will allow attendees to see first-hand what the venue looks like before the event begins. You may also want to post photos of organizers as they prepare for the event, decorations, floral arrangements, etc. Get creative with your Instagram photos and don’t be afraid to think outside the box.

Do I Need a High-End Camera

Having a nice camera certainly won’t hurt, but it’s really not necessary if your smartphone is equipped with a decent camera (and most are).

Instagram Supports Video, Too!

Diversify your Instagram account by posting both photos and videos of the event planning process. Far too many event planners focus strictly on photos, turning a blind eye to the power of video. While there’s certainly nothing wrong with photos, including videos will create a stronger connection with your followers.

Here are some rules to follow when posting videos to Instagram:

  • Videos must 3 to 15 seconds long.
  • Only Android and iOS Instagram apps support video.
  • You can review your videos before posting by tapping the “Play” button.
  • Experiment with different filters to enhance your videos.
  • Add locations to your videos so followers will know where it was taken.

Schedule Your Instagram Posts

When you are busy scouting potential venues, negotiating deals with service providers, sending out invitations, and doing the countless number of other tasks that go into planning a major event, you may not have the free time to post new photos on Instagram on a regular basis. Unlike Facebook, Instagram lacks a post scheduling feature, but there are several third-party apps and services that can be used for this purpose. Latergram is one such app that allows users to create and schedule their posts in advance. Latergram is free to use for 30 or fewer posts per month.

Categorize Your Content With #Hashtags

Try to include 1-2 relevant #hashtags when posting content to your Instagram account. If you are posting a photo or video of a venue, for instance, use the venue’s name as a #hashtag. For photos of the beautiful La Valencia in sunny San Diego, you could use the #hashtag, #LaValencia. This will help your followers find all of the photos from the venue.