When was the last time your company hosted a corporate event? Doing so offers several key benefits, ranging from increased press exposure and brand visibility to employee motivation and recognition. Just check out some of the top reasons to host a corporate event listed below.

#1) PR Exposure

One of the lesser-known benefits of hosting a corporate event is the potential for PR exposure. Depending on the type of event and whether or not there’s a “newsworthy” angle to it, you may be able to create and distribute a press release around it.

#2) Reward Employees

According to a survey of 630 US workers conducted by Market Tools Inc., 39% of workers feel unappreciated at their respective workplaces. This same survey found that 77% of workers were willing to work harder if they were appreciated. A meaningful and effective way to “appreciate” employees is by rewarding them with an event. Hiring a live band or magician to perform at a corporate event is a great way to reward your employees for their hard work. When they return to the workplace, they’ll feel a newfound sense of determination to succeed in their professional endeavors.

#3) Motivate Workforce

Hosting a corporate event offers the perfect opportunity for employers to motivate their workforce. Just allowing workers to “get out of the office” is often enough to spark a newfound drive and determination in them to succeed. But employers can go one step further by hiring speakers and entertainment acts to motivate employees.

#4) Attract New Clients

Corporate events can also be used to attract new clients and customers. Business owners and executives may invite prospective clients to the event, warming them up for future sales. And if these prospects fail to take action, they may send referral traffic your way.

#5) Reinforce Company Mission and Values

Some employers may host corporate events for the purpose of reinforcing their company’s mission statement and core values. When employees are first hired, they are usually informed about the company’s mission and values. Over time, however, this message may get lost in the everyday hurdles of running a business, which is why it’s a good idea to host an event. Employers can use an event to reinforce the company’s mission statement and core values to their employees.

#6) Celebrate Milestones

Has your company reached an important milestone in its history? Whether it’s a 10-year anniversary, the opening of a new store/location, or reaching X dollars in sales, corporate events offer an ideal platform on which to celebrate key milestones such as this.