Spring is in the air — well, almost at least. With less than one month left in the winter season, there’s no better time than now to begin planning a springtime corporate party. To help turn your company’s springtime party into a success, we’ve compiled a list of five essential tips.

#1) Identify Your Objective

What’s your objective for hosting a springtime corporate party? This is a question you’ll need to answer before taking those initial steps towards planning the party. Some companies host parties to reward employees for all of their hard work, whereas others do it to celebrate an important milestone. Decide why you are hosting a springtime party, and then you can begin scouting venues and negotiating deals with service providers.

#2) Choose an Outdoor Venue

Companies should take advantage of the mild spring weather by hosting their parties outdoors. While it’s probably easier and more convenient to host your party inside the office, this doesn’t leave the same lasting and positive impression on workers as an outdoor party. Whether it’s a local park, country club, or even a ranch like Campbell Creek, employees will appreciate the warm weather and fresh air. Furthermore, outdoor venues offer a greater variety of activities, such kickball or softball, making it the perfect choice for a springtime corporate event.

#3) Include Details in the Invitations

When crafting invitations for your corporate springtime party, be sure to include the following information:

  • Time and date
  • Venue’s name and address
  • Parking instructions (if applicable)
  • Dress code
  • Contact number of person planning the party

#4) Make it Entertaining

Let’s face it, a party should be entertaining. The Merriam-Webster dictionary even defines the word party as being “a social gathering of invited guests, typically involving eating, drinking, and entertainment.” So if you’re going to host a springtime party, make it entertaining for employees by hiring either a live band or DJ. Some DJs like Sunset Trivia can even host karaoke and trivia to boost guest engagement while making your party more memorable. Entertainment such as this allows employees to let loose and enjoy themselves, which is what parties are all about!

#5) Promote it

Once you’ve found a venue, hired entertainment, and performed all of the other tasks that go into planning a springtime party, you’ll want to promote it. Being that it’s a corporate party, word-of-mouth tends to work well. However, you may also want to use bulletin boards, email, and other platforms to promote your upcoming party. For more tips on how to promote your company’s springtime party, check out our previous blog post here.