An event planner’s work is not finished just because the event has wrapped up and guests have left the venue. There are a few things event planners should do afterwards to optimize the experience.

Send ‘Thank You’ Notes

One of the first things you should do after the event has finished is send thank you note to sponsors, vendors and speakers. Something as simple as a handwritten note saying “thanks” goes a long ways in showing your appreciation to everyone who helped with your event. So the next time you need a speaker or vendor for an event, you’ll have an easier time finding and recruiting one.

Turn Presentations into Sharable Videos

Assuming you had keynote speakers or other presentations at your event, you should turn those sessions into sharable videos. TED Talks has become well known for its video content, which is edited and shared after the conference ends. You can follow a similar approach with your events, recording sessions and turning them into easy-to-access videos. Most keynote speakers and presenters will appreciate the added visibility and recognition this offers.

After creating presentation videos, consider uploading and using them on the following platforms:

  • Your business’s official website
  • YouTube
  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Email newsletters

Ask for Testimonials

It’s not a bad idea to ask guests for testimonials after the event is over. Studies have shown that 88% consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations. You can use this to your advantage by displaying guest testimonials in your marketing material for future events. When a prospective guest notices these positive reviews, he or she will feel more inclined to register. But you shouldn’t use statements made by guests as testimonials without their permission, so reach out to guests after the event has wrapped up.

Send a Follow-Up Survey

You may also want to send a follow-up survey to guests, asking them for feedback. Were guests satisfied with the event? Which presentations and speakers did they enjoy most? Were tickets reasonably priced? These are just a few questions that follow-up surveys can help you answer. Follow-up surveys are a great way to measure guest satisfaction while also gaining invaluable data on other aspects of the event.


Last but not least, you should evaluate your event and its level of success. If few guests attended your event, there’s probably some underlying problem, such as poor marketing/promotion. Take a step back to analyze your event, measuring key performance indicators (KPIs) like turnout, average number of new vs returning guests, guest satisfaction (hint: use follow-up surveys) and more.