Facebook isn’t used strictly for sharing updates about your personal life with friends and family. It’s also a powerful marketing and management tool for event planners. Just check out some of the many ways that you can use Facebook when planning an event.

Research Vendors

From caterers and florists to photographers and DJs, you’ll probably need to hire several different vendors when planning an event. Of course, you’ll want to research prospective vendors beforehand — a task that Facebook can help you with. You can visit vendors’ Facebook pages and profiles, looking at their photos, user comments, and even customer reviews. Using this information, you can make smarter choices when hiring vendors for your event.

‘Book Now’ Button

Facebook has several different call-to-action (CTA) buttons, one of which is the “Book Now” button. So if you have Facebook Page for your organization or upcoming event, try using this button to encourage more signups. Simply log into your Page and click the “Add a button” link under your cover photo. From here, select “Book Now,” enter the website URL or app URL for your event’s signup form, and you are done!

Convenient Photo-Sharing Platform

This alone should be reason enough to use Facebook when planning events and parties. You can upload all photos related to your event to Facebook, allowing guests and other users to easily access them. And if a particular photo contains a keynote speaker, vendor or some other notable person, you can tag him or her. Facebook is a highly convenient photo-sharing platform for event planners, even more so than using Instagram.

Paid Advertising

Still struggling to sell out your events? Perhaps, you should invest in Facebook’s paid advertising. Using Facebook Ads, you can promote your event too highly qualified prospects, paying either for each click on your ad or for every 1,000 ad impressions. Of course, the real beauty of Facebook Ads is its targeting option. You can target very specific groups of users who are interested in attending your event, allowing you to stretch your marketing dollars just a little farther.

Acknowledge Sponsors

Event sponsors want to be recognized. After all, that’s one of the main reasons why they pay for sponsorship. If you have a Facebook Page, you can acknowledge and thank your sponsors for their participation. This increased exposure and visibility will encourage them to sponsor future events of yours. It could also prompt other local businesses to jump on board by seeking out sponsorships as well.