Do you send the same generic cookie-cutter emails to prospects when promoting your events? Well, you aren’t alone. According to a report published by eConsultancy, only 5% of companies personalize their digital marketing strategy “extensively.” You can connect with a larger audience and generate more event ticket sales, however, if you personalize your promotional emails.


Address the Recipient by Name

Arguably, the easiest way to personalize your emails is to address the recipient by name. When a prospect signs up for your event newsletter, for instance, you should ask for his or her name. Using this information, you can create personalized emails that ultimately instills a higher level of confidence and leads to more ticket sales. Rather than “Dear sir/madam,” you can say “dear [insert name].”


Many event planners have experienced success when personalizing their emails by location. Try to capture prospects’ location when they sign up your newsletter. Once you know the prospect’s location, you can mention this in your emails. For instance, you could inform the prospect of an upcoming event around his or her city, mentioning the specific city.

Interest in Products or Services

A third way to personalize your promotional emails is to reference the recipient’s interest in products or services. Amazon and several other large e-commerce providers already use this tactic — and you can use it when promoting an event as well. If the event is a trade show, and a prospect has expressed interest in a particular product being displayed at the trade show, mention this in your email.

Match Personas

A lesser-used tactic to personalize emails is to create personas based on the recipient. As explained by KISSMetrics, personas are created by gathering a multitude of data about the prospect, after which you can use the appropriate lingo, jargon and overall tone to better match your email message with the prospect’s persona. KISSMetrics cites a case study in which one company experienced a 111% increase in conversions after implementing customer-based personas in their emails.

Past Event Attendance

Of course, addressing the recipient by name is only one of many ways to personalize your emails. Another idea is to reference the recipient’s past attendance. If the recipient attended an event in the past, make note of this in your email. You can say something along the line of “We enjoyed seeing you at our last event and think you’d be interested in attending our upcoming event.”

These are just a few ways to personalize your promotional event emails.