Are there wedding bells ringing in your future? Getting engaged is a memorable experience that marks the beginning of a new chapter in your life. But you’ll want to get the ball rolling on planning your wedding, beginning with the invitations.


Standard Size

According to, wedding invitations typically use a standard 4.5″ x 6.25″ rectangular-shaped card. While you can certainly use a larger size, keep in mind that it may cost more in both postage and stationary. If you can’t seem to choose a size, stick with the standard 4.5″ x 6.25″, which are inexpensive and easily fit in normal envelopes.

Include RSVP Information

In addition to the wedding date, time, venue, directions, etc., you should also include RSVP information on your invitations. Ask guests to RSVP no later than four weeks after receiving the invitations. This information is typically included in the bottom-right corner of the invitations. Alternatively, though, you can include RSVP information on a separate card or enclosure.

Order Extras

It’s a good idea to order about 20-30 extra wedding invitations just in case you need them. If you plan on inviting 90 guests, for instance, go ahead and order 120 to 130 invitations. Even if you don’t use them, you’ll have them available in case you need to invite anyone else at the last minute. Besides, wedding invitations are a fun keepsake that you and your significant other can cherish for years to come.

Don’t Mention the Wedding Registry

Registering for wedding gifts is a great way to ensure you don’t end up with up half a dozen of the same toaster ovens. Just remember to omit this information when designing your invitations. It’s poor etiquette for couples to mention their registry on the invitations, so spread the message through word of mouth instead.

Weigh at the Post Office

Rather than placing a stamp on your invitations and dropping them in the mailbox, take them to the post office to have them weighed. If they are too heavy, it may cost more than a standard stamp to mail. And failure to cover the necessary postage could result in your invitations being returned to sender — something that no couple wants to see happen.

Send 6-8 Weeks Before Wedding

Timing is critical when sending your wedding invitations. If you send them too early, some guests may forget about your wedding. But if you send them late, guests may struggle to make the necessary arrangements so they can attend. Therefore, you should out your invitations about 6 to 8 weeks before the wedding, while sending “save the dates” about 8 to 10 months before the wedding.

Photo credit: Special Invite