More than two-thirds of the general U.S. population has at least one social media account or profile, according to the Pew Research Center. If you fall under this category, you may feel inclined to post updates about your upcoming wedding. But there’s a right way and a wrong way to use social media when planning a wedding.


Announcing Engagement

While it may seem harmless enough, it’s best to refrain from announcing your engagement on Facebook or any other social media network — not until you and your fiance have let your family members know at least. If your parents learn about your engagement on Facebook, they may feel hurt since you didn’t inform them before making your engagement public.

Asking for Gifts

Another all-too-common mistake that couples make when planning their wedding is asking for gifts — or telling everyone where they are registered for gifts — on social media. As explained by TheKnot, the proper etiquette is to let friends and family know where you are registered through word of mouth. You can tell your immediate family members where you are registered, and then ask them to spread the message to other guests.

Posting Too Many Photos

Both couples and guests should use caution when posting photos to social media, especially if those photos feature the bride or groom. Uploading a photo of the bride before the ceremony, for instance, is a major mistake, as it takes away from the special moment when everyone finally gets to see the bride walk down the aisle.

Complaining About the Wedding

Whether you hire a professional planner or do it yourself, planning a wedding is downright stressful. With this stress, some brides and grooms may complain about their wedding on social media, which is another mistake to avoid. If you need to vent, call a friend and voice your concerns to him or her. Being that social media is public, you should keep messages positive and upbeat.

Social Media Wedding Invitations

Don’t send digital wedding invitations to guests via social media. Sure, it probably saves some stationary (and money), but it’s not the proper etiquette when planning a wedding. You can post a status update to let everyone know when you’re getting married, but you should still send traditional paper invitations to everyone whom you invite. Not everyone has a social media account, so sending digital invitations through Facebook or other networks may result in some friends or family members missing the opportunity to attend.