Can’t seem to sell out your events no matter how much time you spend promoting them? The number of people who attend your event is a direct measurement of its success. If your event sells out, you can rest assured knowing that it was a success. Here are some of the most common reasons why events don’t sell out.


Conflicting Dates

When choosing a date for your event, check to see if there are other local events or activities scheduled for that same day. It’s not uncommon for professional event planners to unknowingly schedule their event on days that coincide with other events or activities. Assuming both events target the same audience, this could restrict ticket sales.

Not Offering Online Registrations

Can guests register for your event online? If not, you’ll probably lose a ton of potential ticket sales right off the bat. Online registrations are almost a necessity in this era of event planning — and for good reason. It’s easier, faster and more convenient to register online as opposed to doing it in person or over the phone. Thankfully, there are tons of event registration software and services to facilitate the process of online ticket sales.

It’s Not Fun

You can’t expect people to buy tickets and attend your event unless it’s fun. Depending on the nature of your event, perhaps you can arrange for interactive games. Another idea, however, is to hire a professional band or DJ to perform. Live music is always a hit with guests, as it lives the atmosphere while setting the tone for a more relaxed, stress-free mood.

Not Using Social Media

With approximately 8 out of 10 adults in the United States using Facebook, professional event planners shouldn’t overlook social media when promoting their events. You can create a universal #hashtag, for instance, adding it to all social media posts pertaining to your event. When someone wants to find content about your event, they can search for the respective #hashtag on social media. Check out our previous blog post here for more tips on how to choose a #hashtag for your event.

Targeting the Wrong Prospects

Of course, you should also target the right audience when promoting your events. Think about who is most interested in attending, and focus your promotional efforts on this demographic. By targeting the right prospects, you’ll have an easier time generating ticket sales and selling out your events.

These are just a few common reasons why event planners fail to sell out their events.