Looking for some wedding registry tips? Registering for gifts is one of the most exciting parts of planning your wedding, even if you have no idea where to begin. Today we’re sharing some tips about registering so that you can get exactly what you want and, more importantly, what you need. Gift-giving is a way for guests to celebrate your wedding and to help you stock your new home, but before you fire up that scanner there are some things that should be considered. This can be one of the most fun parts of planning a wedding, but it can also be stressful. Therefore, here’s a complete guide to making your wedding registry perfect.

  • You can never register too early – From the moment the engagement is announced to family and friends, the couple has the green-light to start registering. Registering for wedding gifts should be one of the first tasks you tackle when you get engaged and it takes the guesswork out of gift buying for the guests. You don’t need to complete your list just yet, but at least have a selection for guests to browse.
  • Couple Up – As a newly engaged couple, this is an important thing to do together. After all, the gifts are going to be for both of you. Take inventory of what you both have and then decide on what you need, talk about the style of home you’d both like, and divide and conquer categories (maybe he gets to choose electronics, while she gets to choose the bedding).
  • Register at more than one store – Two to three is ideal. This gives guests more choices, and it’s a manageable number. To make it easy on yourself and others at least one (and preferably all) of your registries should be available online. Guests should also be able to place their orders in person, over the phone, or by fax.
  • Hit all price points – Be sure to register for items in a wide range of price points: under $50, under $75, under $100, under $200, and beyond, so all of your guests can choose gifts they can afford.
  • Over-Register – One of the best wedding registry tips – You should request more items than the number of people on your guest list. Having options does not look greedy; you’re actually doing guests a favor by giving them more choices. It’s always a tough decision for the late buyers that are left stuck with nothing to purchase.
  • Let Your Guests Know – Unfortunately, it’s not appropriate to ask for wedding gifts, so you have to be careful with how you let people know where you’re registered. Never include registry information with your wedding invitations. Word of mouth is usually the easiest and most appropriate way to circulate this.
  • Only registering for what you need or think you will use – When you sign up to make a registry, the merchant will provide you with a complete list of items that can be included on your registry. Keep in mind that most of the lists that you receive are old-fashioned and out-dated. Many couples find that they do not need all of these fancy items and instead desire more practical things.
  • Asking for entertainment instead of gifting off the registry – If you are looking to cut costs of the wedding down, one idea is to ask a friend or relative to cover the cost of the wedding entertainment instead of shopping on the registry. Perhaps the wedding DJ is already hired but you want to add some flair to the ceremony by hiring an acoustic musician. Maybe the couple wants a cover band for hire but cannot afford them alongside the DJ? SGM Events can work with you to ensure that this gift can be a surprise to the couple if requested.

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