Hosting a corporate event is a great way to motivate employees while expressing gratitude for their hard work and determination. With that said, there’s a right way and a wrong way to host corporate events.

Not Testing Audio and Video Equipment

Don’t assume that your audio and video equipment will work just because it’s set up in the right area. Something as simple as a loose cord or malfunctioning speaker may create deafening silence – or worse, it could produce an annoyingly loud “static” sound. Event organizers should test their audio and video equipment before the event begins to ensure it functions as intended.

Overlooking the Venue’s Maximum Occupancy

When choosing a venue for your next corporate occupancy, pay close attention to its maximum occupancy. If you happen to invite more guests than what’s allowed, some guests may be turned away at the door. Developed by the International Code Council (ICC), the International Building Code (IBC) provides a set of international standards for determining the maximum occupancy of a building. Both the number of exists a building has, as well as its intended use, play a role in its maximum occupancy.

Not Confirming Service Dates with Vendors

Whether it’s catering, photography, entertainment, or all the above, event organizers should confirm service dates with all vendors with whom they do business. If you don’t hear from a vendor who is scheduled to provide services at your event within 48 hours from the doors opening, give them a call to make sure they are planning to arrive on time. A simple phone call could mean the difference between having your event catered or forcing guests to go hungry.

All Work and No Games

Corporate events should allow employees to relax and unwind outside of the traditional work setting. If employees are forced to sit through long, drawn-out speeches or seminars, they may choose not to attend future events. Organizers should liven up their events by scheduling musical performances or a professional DJ.


Don’t succumb to micromanagement when planning your corporate event. Otherwise simple tasks like creating a guest list, sending out invitations, setting up decorations, planning the itinerary, etc., can burn through your available time if you aren’t careful. Seek help from another organizer or employee if needed, because two hands are always better than one.

Skipping the Walkthrough

Some event planners and organizers view walkthroughs as being nothing more than a waste of their time. After all, what’s the purpose of viewing a venue in person if you can see pictures of it online? Pictures posted on the venue’s website may give you a general idea of the facility, but it won’t provide the same, complete experience as a walkthrough. Before you agree to rent a venue, perform a walkthrough to determine whether or not it meets your needs.