So, your fiancé has finally popped the question and now the two of you are officially engaged. This is an exciting moment to say the least, as it marks the beginning of a new chapter in your lives. But before you go posting the news on Facebook, you should consider the proper etiquette for announcing an engagement.


According to the wedding website TheKnot, children should be notified of the engagement first. If you or your fiance have children from a previous marriage, have a sit-down with them to share the news. They are the ones who will be receiving a new stepfather or stepmother (or both), so it only makes sense to share the news with them before anyone else. You can schedule a fun day at the park, during which you can explain that you and your partner are getting married. Most children will be overcome with joy at the idea of adding a new member to the family.

Brides Parents

Following children, the bride’s parents should be next in line to receive news of the engagement. Assuming the groom has already asked the bride’s father for his approval, the bride should call her parents to let them know of the engagement. It doesn’t have to be a major event, as a simple phone call will suffice. Of course, some brides may choose to announce their engagement in a more meaningful manner, such as showing off their engagement ring or taking their parents on a surprise trip to the wedding venue.

Groom’s Parents

Next up on the list of people to notify about the engagement is the groom’s parents. Again, this doesn’t have to be an extravagant event, but it’s still customary to inform the groom’s parents about the engagement. Traditionally, they’re responsible for planning the wedding rehearsal and rehearsal dinner, so you’ll want to give them plenty of time in advance to prepare.

Note: you may want to remind you and your fiance’s parents to keep the engagement a secret — at least for now. The excitement and joy of your engagement may cause them to “spill the beans” before you’ve had a change to let everyone else know.


After notifying you and your fiance’s parents about the engagement, it’s now safe to tell your friends and family. Sit down with your fiance and make a list of all of your friends and family, with the exception of your parents of course. Next, go through and contact each person on this list to notify them of your engagement. Don’t worry if you haven’t set a date or found a venue yet, because you are simply “announcing” your wedding — save the dates and invitations will come later.

Some couples may also want to post their engagement status on Facebook. Of course, this should only be done after you’ve notified all of your friends and family.