Entertainment is a key element of a successful corporate event. If the event consists solely of keynote speakers, attendees may lose focus and begin to “zone out.” But with the right entertainment, you can keep attendees interested and engaged throughout the evening.

Magic Show

You can’t go wrong with booking a magician to perform at your next corporate event. People of all ages and background are drawn to the mind-boggling illusions created by a professional magician. From slight-of-hand and pick-a-card tricks to larger and more complex illusions involving the direct participation of audience members, a magician can keep your crowd entertained for hours. It’s not because people actually believe in magic, but rather they enjoy being tricked on a subconscious level. The masterful illusions created by a magician, combined with their humor and engaging dialog, makes them an excellent choice for all types of corporate events and gatherings.

Laser Light Show

Who doesn’t watching a laser light show? Laser equipment can be used to create dazzling displays of colorful shapes, geometric patterns, designs and more. It’s a fun way to break up otherwise long and tedious corporate events, allowing attendees to relax and enjoy themselves. Laser light shows have become increasingly popular in the event planning industry for this very reason. Alternatively, you can use monogram lighting to illuminate the walls with various stenciled designs. Just remember to check with the venue owner or manager beforehand to see if they are allowed.

Live Music

Of course, live music is another excellent form of entertainment for corporate events. From acoustic acts to jazz or even cover bands, there are dozens of live music acts from which to choose. Having live music at your event will get attendees up from their chairs and moving on the dance floor.


Setting up a karaoke machine is guaranteed to make your next event a hit. Attendees can take a shot at singing all of their favorite songs, putting them in the spotlight for once. One of the great things about karaoke is that you don’t need a Grammy Award-winning voice to participate. On the contrary, some of the best performances come from amateurs who are simply doing it to have fun. It’s this laid back style that makes karaoke such a hit at corporate events and parties. The California-based entertainment service provider Sunset Trivia can handle all of the legwork that goes into setting up karaoke for your wedding.

Here are some other tips to maintain a high level of satisfaction among attendees at your next corporate event:

  • Keep keynote speaking sessions short — or for longer sessions, give attendees regular breaks.
  • Schedule entertainment after speaking sessions and other business activities.
  • Provide attendees with food and beverages.
  • Seek feedback from guests to determine what type of music they prefer.
  • Diversify your entertainment acts from event to event.