When most people think of weddings, they picture the bride and groom standing underneath the alter while exchanging vows and saying their “I do’s.” While this has long been the traditional format, there’s a growing trend in which two separate couples get married during the same ceremony.

Known as a double wedding, it’s a fun alternative to having a traditional wedding. It allows two affianced couples to share this memorable and special occasion with each other. During a typical double wedding, both couples participate in a single ceremony with the officiant orchestrating the process. The thought of planning a wedding with another couple may sound extra stressful, but it actually offers some key advantages.

Common Reasons to Have a Double Wedding

There are a number of reasons why two couples choose to have a double wedding, one of which is to ease the burden of attendance by guests. For instance, if two sisters want to get married around the same time of year, they may opt for a double wedding so guests won’t be forced to attend two separate ceremonies and receptions. Combining both weddings into a single event allows guests to attend just a single event, which is particularly helpful for relatives who live far away.

Another reason to have one is the cost-savings it offers. With the cost of weddings now at an all-time high, many couples are looking for ways to trim unnecessary expenses and cut costs. Having a double wedding means you’ll have another couple with whom to share the bill, which can save you thousands of dollars in related expenses.

Tips for the Perfect Double Wedding:

  • Can’t seem to agree on a musical performance for your double wedding? Rather than choosing a single band or DJ, perhaps you can hire two. Doing so allows both couples to have their own preferred music while keeping true to the format of a double wedding.
  • Two couples means there’s twice the risk of something going wrong. To promote a smooth, error-free double wedding, both couples should participate in the rehearsal.
  • Save the dates and wedding invitations should include both couples’ names.
  • Let guests know (through word of mouth) that they are not required to bring a present for both couples. Proper etiquette for double weddings states that guests should only be “expected” to bring a single gift for the couple whom they know.
  • Tasks like choosing a venue and hiring a catering company should be done by both couples.
  • Plan ahead of time who’s going to pay for what.
  • Above all else, have fun with your double wedding!