Online registrations is a great way to facilitate this otherwise time-consuming and tedious process of registering for an event. Guests can sign up 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, with registrations recorded in real time.

Use Brand Elements on Registration Form

When designing your online registration form, stick use the same brand elements (e.g. color scheme, logo, tagline, etc.) of the company hosting the event. Maintaining a cohesive design reinforces the host company’s brand while creating a more professional-looking registration form.

Offer Multiple Payment Options

Assuming it’s a paid event, you should offer a variety of different payment options for online registrations, such as Google Checkout, PayPal, and credit/debit card. Also, be sure to incorporate any promotional codes or discount vouchers into the payment system.

Choose Your Online Registration Platform

You really have one of two different options for online registrations: you can create the registration form by hand, or you can use a third-party service. Creating the form by hand gives you more freedom, but it’s somewhat technical and requires some coding knowledge. Furthermore, there’s the issue of security (or lack thereof) when creating and hosting your own registration form. Third-party services like EventBrite, however, will take this burden off your shoulders by allowing you to create brilliant, fully functional online registration forms for your event.

Registration Levels

Do you plan on offering general admission tickets to your event or multiple “tiered” packages? When choosing the latter, you should describe the various packages on the registration form and how the differ from one another. It’s not uncommon for event planners to offer “Bronze,” “Silver,” “Gold” and “Platinum” packages, with Platinum packages containing the most benefits and perks. Guests can purchase a higher-tiered package for additional perks like exclusive shows, entertainment and swag bags.

Display Contact Information

Of course, you’ll need to include the appropriate contact information on the registration form. If you are the primary event planner/organizer, include your phone number, email address and any other contact methods that you prefer on the form. If a guest has a question about the event and/or registration process, they’ll know who to contact for an answer.

Offer Incentives for Early Registrations

You can encourage guests to register early by offering them certain incentives like early-bird discounts. Implementing early-bird discounts into your online registration form is a great way to get the ball rolling with your event, as many guests will sign up early just for the cost-savings it provides.

Photo credit: NHS Confederation