Decorations are a vital component of a modern-day wedding. The right decor creates a welcoming, fun and lively atmosphere that couples and their guests will appreciate. But when you’re busy creating a guest list, hiring vendors, scouting venues and performing the countless number of other tasks needed to plan a wedding, it’s easy to overlook the decor. Don’t worry, because we’re going to reveal some of the top wedding decorations in today’s blog post.

Ice Sculptures

If you really want to create the perfect backdrop for photos at your wedding, consider decorating it with a hand-crafted ice sculpture. Whether it’s twin swans, hearts or a monogram, this is a unique and innovative decorative piece that’s sure to leave a lasting impression.

Many couples disregard ice sculpture decorations in their wedding, believing it’s too expensive. In reality, though, it’s actually quite affordable, especially if you hire the right sculptor. According to the website CostHelper, ice sculptures cost about $45 for small pieces, $300 for medium, and $1,000 or more for large, elaborate pieces. Considering that the average wedding now costs more than $30,000, that’s a drop in the bucket.

Chalkboard ‘Welcome’ Sign

Another innovative decoration for weddings is a chalkboard “welcome” sign. Aside from the aesthetic value of using a chalkboard welcome sign in your wedding, it may also help guests find the venue. If your wedding venue is next to another business, some guests may struggle to choose the right one. With a simple “Welcome to [insert names here] Wedding” sign, however, you can prevent this from happening.

Colored Glassware

Instead of using traditional crystal glassware at your reception, try using colored glassware. It serves the same basic purpose but adds a touch of color to the environment. Think about what other colors are included in your wedding decor and use a matching color for the glassware. If you are using peonies as the main flower variety, try using a similar pink or red-colored glassware. Although simple, colored glassware leaves a big impression on your wedding decor.


The popular wedding website TheKnot recommends draping white linens across the ceiling to create a rustic-themed wedding. White linens are inexpensive and make wonderful decorations for a wedding. If your wedding is indoors, you can run them along the ceilings as described by TheKnot, to create more festive environment. But even if your wedding is outdoors, you can still follow a similar approach by running white linens along the top of the pavilion or gazebo.

Votive Candles

We can’t talk about wedding decorations without mentioning votive candles. Small, inexpensive and available in dozens of different colors, couples can decorate their reception with votives. Just place a couple at each table and you’re good to go!