A successful event requires more than just a generic, cookie-cutter speech. If you want guests to remember your event and take away something of value, you need to interact with them. Keep reading to learn some simple and effective ways to boost attendee engagement at events.

Use Social Media

One of the easiest (and cheapest) ways to boost attendee engagement at events is to use social media. According to Statista, 78% of Americans have a social media profile, meaning your target audience is probably using it as well. Event planners and organizers can use this to their advantage by engaging directly with attendees on networks like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. You can even do “live tweeting” by tweeting messages in real-time while your event is still happening. Just remember to notify attendees ahead of time so they can participate in the live tweeting and other social media activities.

Get Mobile

This goes hand-in-hand with social media. Event planners can boost attendee engagement by utilizing mobile applications. Perhaps you can launch an app specifically for your event, providing attendees with real-time updates and news.

Invest in Entertainment

You can also boost attendee engagement by making your event fun. Hiring a professional magician like Ben Silver to perform is sure to capture the audience’s attention. There’s just something captivating with magic and the art of illusion, making it the perfect form of entertainment for your event. Another idea is to hire a band or DJ to perform, which can also boost attendee engagement.

Get Personal

Attendees are more likely to actively participate in your event if you address them by name. Depending on the size and scope of your event, this may or may not be an easy task. If you are planning a small event, however, this shouldn’t be a problem.

Short Content Sessions

Many event planners have reported success by breaking their content up into several short sessions. Instead of a single 2-hour presentation, for instance, perhaps you can break it up into four 30-minute sessions. This should keep attendees engaged and focused — something that’s difficult to accomplish with long, drawn-out presentations.

Ask Questions

Event presentations shouldn’t be a one-way street. Speakers and presenters should ask questions to the audience, encouraging them to interact. It’s not a bad idea to open a speech with a question, as this triggers a visceral reaction among attendees while grabbing their attention in the process. Even if no one responds, asking questions is still a great way to keep attendees interested and engaged in the event.