It’s easy to feel stressed and overburdened when planning your wedding. From negotiating deals with vendors to selecting the perfect dress, there’s a lot of work to be done before the big day. If you’re able to stay organized, however, planning your wedding will be easier and less stressful.

Choose Your Maid of Honor Wisely

Designating the right person as your Maid of Honor can help to ease the burden of planning your wedding. A good Maid of Honor should make herself readily available to the bride, assisting with all stages of planning the wedding. This includes choosing a dress, selecting decorations, researching vendors and more. It’s not a bad idea to ask your prospective Maid of Honor ahead of time if she is up for the task. If she’s not willing to put forth 110%, perhaps you should choose a different friend or family for your Maid of Honor.

Create a Calendar

A calendar is an invaluable tool that can help you stay cool, calm and collected when planning your wedding. Using it, you can make notes of upcoming appointments (e.g. wedding cake tasting, trying on wedding dresses, scouting venues, etc.). If you can’t seem to remember when a particular appointment is, just check your calendar. Assuming you have an Android or Apple smartphone, you can use the calendar app for this and more.

Follow a Timeline

The average engagement lasts 14 months, according to TheKnot. Of course, you plan a wedding in less time, but you should follow a timeline to stay on track. Certain tasks like creating your guest list and setting a budget should be done at least six months in advance, whereas other tasks like choosing your makeup and sending invitations can be done up to two months prior of the wedding. Check out this wedding timeline by Martha Stewart Weddings for more information.

Get Social

Social media is an invaluable tool when planning a wedding. You can upload photos of wedding cakes, dresses and venues to Facebook, using this as reference material when making a final decision. Of course, the network Pinterest is particularly useful for wedding planning activities. When you come across a webpage featuring something that you’d like to include in your own wedding, add it to your Pinterest board. You can set up Pinterest boards for all types of products, allowing other users to contribute with their own ideas as well.

Photo credit: MyEyeSees