Audio and video (A/V) is a fundamental part of most modern-day events. Whether you plan on hiring a keynote speaker, presenting PowerPoint slideshows, playing music, or simply make announcements to the audience, you’ll need the right AV equipment. Unfortunately, though, many event planners are guilty of making the following mistakes with their A/V solutions.

Sound System is Too Small

Don’t make the mistake of choosing a sound system that’s too small for the venue, as some guests may not be able to hear it. It’s not a bad idea to test your sound system before the event begins, checking to make sure you can hear it clearly from the seat farthest away.

Sound System is Too Big

On the other hand, you should also avoid sound systems that are too big for the venue. Sure, you can always turn down the volume, you’ll ultimately waste money by renting (or buying) an oversized system. Choose a sound system with power that’s proportionate to your event space.

Relying Strictly on Front-Row Speakers

What’s wrong with using front-row speakers in your A/V setup? Nothing necessarily, but you should still include separate speakers towards the back of your audience. If you only have two monster-sized speakers, both of which are placed at the front, audience members on the first few rows will get blasted, while guests towards the rear will hear “normal” sound levels.

Lack of Setup Time

There’s no such thing as setting up your A/V equipment too early unless of course it’s prohibited by the venue. Getting a head-start by setting up early will allow you to double-check all of the connections and test the equipment. And if a problem arises, you can troubleshoot it before the event begins.

Not Enough Projection Displays

Sometimes it takes more than just a single projection display to provide guests with a positive viewing experience. If the venue is a wide auditorium, perhaps you should set up three projection displays: one in the middle and two on the sides.

Assuming the Venue Provides A/V Equipment

Depending on which venue you choose, it may or may not offer onsite A/V equipment. Regardless, you shouldn’t assume that it does. Always check with the venue ahead of time to see what, if any, A/V equipment it offers for events. Even if the venue does offer on-site A/V equipment, it may not be enough for your needs, in which case you should bring your own.

Photo credit: TedX SanDiego