Charging stations are no longer a luxury for events; they are a necessity. When a guest’s smartphone dies, he or she can “refuel” here. If you’re still on the fence about charging stations, here are six undeniable reasons why you should include them in your events.

Improved Guest Satisfaction

Offering charging stations at your event will undoubtedly have a positive effect on guest satisfaction. There’s nothing more frustrating than having your smartphone die during an important business conference. You can protect guests from such headaches, however, by setting up charging stations.

More Social Buzz

Every seasoned event planner knows the importance of social media. By maintaining a strong presence on social media, you’ll sell more tickets, attract more guests, and build a bigger brand. While you can always upload your own content to social media, you should also embrace user-generated content. But guests can only snap photos of your event if they have a working smartphone — something that a charging station can help with.

Increased Revenue

Charging stations may even offer a new revenue stream for event planners and organizers. For instance, you could charge guests a small fee to use the charging station. Of course, this is really only beneficial for larger events with hundreds of guests. If your event is small with fewer than 100 guests, offering a free but branded charging station is probably the better the choice.


If your event has one or more sponsors, you could promote their brand using charging stations. Whenever a guest charges his or her device, they’ll see the “sponsored by” message. Event sponsors love this type of branding. As such, you’ll have an easier time attracting sponsors when planning your events.

Encourages Networking

Another reason why you should include charging stations in your event is that it encourages guests to network. Many guests will converse and talk amongst themselves while waiting for their smartphone or device to charge. This can essentially turn your charging station into a networking hub.

Prevent Traffic Bottlenecks

A lesser-known benefit of including charging stations in events is the ability to disperse guests and prevent traffic bottlenecks. If guests typically gather at the front of the venue, it may restrict new guests from entering. Thankfully, strategically placed charging stations can help by distributing this traffic elsewhere. Rather than hanging out the front, some guests may venture to the nearest charging station. Offering food and beverages is another way to prevent traffic bottlenecks at events.