Promoting an event doesn’t have to cost an arm and a leg. While there are plenty of expensive, high-dollar ways to promote an event, there are other, more affordable options available. In fact, you can promote an upcoming event for free using the following methods.

Create an Event Website

If you haven’t done so already, create a website for your event. You can publish information about the event, including keynote speakers, when and where it will take place, directions, etc. Search engines will pick up your website, indexing it in their search results. This alone can offer tons of traffic and visibility for your event, all without costing a dime. Furthermore, you can sell tickets directly on your website, making registration easier and more convenient.

Build an Email List

Email marketing is another no-cost way to promote your event. Assuming you have a website, place a newsletter signup form on it to collect visitors’ email addresses. When a prospect visits your website, he or she may sign up for your newsletter to learn more about your event. You can send subscribers news, updates, promotions and other content associated with your event, encouraging them to buy tickets.

Check out our previous blog post here for more email marketing tips.

Social Media

It’s estimated that two-thirds of adults in the United State use social media networking sites, according to a Pew Research Center survey. This means your event’s target audience is probably using social media as well, making it an excellent (and free) platform to promote your event. Don’t limit yourself to only using Facebook, though. Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn are all highly effective social media networks for event promotion.

Produce YouTube Videos

Do you have a YouTube account? Well, you could put it to use by uploading promotional videos for your event. Unlike paid TV commercials, you can upload YouTube videos for free. This can be something as simple as a Powerpoint slideshow converted into video format, revealing information about your upcoming event. With over one billion users, YouTube offers tons of untapped potential for event planners.


Another idea is to host a contest for your event. Maybe you could ask for recommendations on a name for your event, rewarding the winner with a free VIP ticket. You can host contests such as this directly from your Facebook Page. Just remember to follow all guidelines and rules; otherwise, Facebook may shut down your contest without notice.

Photo credit: Rawartistmedia