Winter is typically considered the “off-season” for weddings, simply because fewer people get married during this time of year as opposed to the spring and summer months. So if you’re looking to save some money on your big day, now is the perfect opportunity to begin searching for a venue. However, you’ll want to familiarize yourself with the following myths about winter weddings.

No One Will Attend

One of the biggest fears couples have when planning a winter wedding is that no one will attend. After all, aren’t people busy with holiday shopping and family get-togethers during this time of year? While it’s true that the holidays are a busy time, this doesn’t necessarily mean that people whom you invite to your wedding won’t attend. Many people take time off for the holidays, making it easier for them to attend your wedding.

It’s Too Cold for Outdoor Ceremonies

No one wants to stand under the alter in sub-freezing temperatures. However, you can still have a comfortable outdoor ceremony during winter. The secret is to plan your ceremony at the right time of day, keeping it short and sweet. And if you’re worried about guests being cold, you could always set up space heaters around the ceremony and provide guests with warm beverages such as coffee and hot chocolate.

Flowers are Limited During the Winter

Ask any wedding planner and he or she will agree: flowers play an important role in wedding decor. They bring color, life, and vibrancy to both the ceremony and reception, which is why you should choose the right ones. But some couples assume their choice of flowers are limited during the winter. In reality, though, you can find pretty much any flower or floral arrangement in winter that you can in summer. Granted, these out-of-season flowers may cost more, but you can still include them in your wedding.

Wedding Photos Aren’t as Nice

This couldn’t be further from the truth. Winter wedding photos can be truly stunning, especially when they are taken at the right venue. Your photographer will utilize the venue and surrounding decor to the best of their abilities, providing you with stunning wedding photos.

Brides Have to Wear a Long-Sleeved Dress

Just because it’s cold outside doesn’t mean brides have to wear a wedding dress with long sleeves. An alternative solution to keep warm is to wear a traditional short-sleeved wedding dress, pairing it with a shawl or similar wrapping for your arms.

Photo credit: Porsche_Chen