On March 19th, the governor of California issued a stay at home order. If you are being inconvenienced by this global pandemic, we understand and are experiencing the frustration along with you. However, the statewide restrictions are for the sake of public health, and people who don’t take those restrictions seriously may hurt themselves or others.

Take the example of a bunch of 20-somethings in Kentucky. They threw themselves a, “coronavirus party,” to rebel against social distancing advised by their state’s governor. It wasn’t long before one of the attendees was making headlines for testing positive for COVID-19. Getting or spreading this disease is a terrible price to pay for one night of revelry.

We hope you and your friends are still spending time together using safe ways to hangout, like free videoconferencing software. You can still crank up your favorite tunes and have a great time. You just have to each mix your own cocktails at home!

We’ll Be Here When It Is Safe to Really Party

SGM Events has the hottest talent in the San Diego area, ready to go when this is all over. From bands and solo artists to DJs and alternative forms of entertainment, you can browse our list of artists and even get your party on the schedule for a future date. Just call 800.670.7308 or submit an online inquiry to get started. We’ll even have a videoconference meeting with you to work out some of the details of your party!