Inflation is driving up costs for everything, and that includes weddings. But the ones who may be hit the hardest in a post-pandemic world are wedding guests who are traveling from far away. Why is this the case, and what can you do to ensure the expense is worth it for your long-distance guests?

The Rising Cost of Travel in 2022

Every part of the travel industry has struggled for the past two years, and they are relying on just how bad people want to travel now to make up for some of the lost revenue. As a result, prices for airfare, car rentals, and hotels are higher than ever before. Thus, traveling to your wedding could place a hardship on some of your beloved guests from far away. What can you do to help?

  • Remind guests to use a private browser when shopping for travel arrangements. Many hotels, car rental, and airline websites (including OTAs) use cookies to track searches a person has made in the past. Then, they gradually increase the prices with each subsequent search to create a sense of urgency.
  • Negotiate a group rate with a local hotel. If you have a number of out-of-town guests, a local hotel might be willing to work with you in order to fill their rooms for that weekend.

Throw the Best Party for Wedding Guests

You also want to throw the best reception possible so guests who paid more to come have a great experience. SGM Events can help. Our agency works with the best wedding entertainers in the San Diego area. Give us a call today at 858.270.2195 to get started, or you can submit our online contact form.