There are several advantages to hosting a green, Eco-friendly event: they improve your company’s image; costs less than traditional events; and it sends a positive message to the community. If you’re looking to go green with your next event, here are some tips to help.

Skip the Paper Invitations

Rather than printing hundreds of paper invitations, consider sending digital invitations to guests instead. Opting for digital, or “e-invitations,” is cheaper, more convenient, and it saves trees. There are numerous online services for creating and sending digital invitations, such as Paperless Post or Evite. Alternatively, you can create an event on Facebook and send invites to users from the event page.

If you have your mind set on using paper invitations, stick with invitations made from either recycled or tree-free paper.

Encourage Recycling

Event planners and organizers should also encourage guests to recycle at their event. This can be done by setting up recycling bins for plastic, aluminum and glass alongside the trash bins. You can contact some of the waste disposal companies in your area to see if they offer free recycling pickups (which many do). If you are unable to find one, check with the venue to see if they have an in-house recycling program.

Biodegradable or Compostable Plates and Cups

Another simple way to go green at your next event is to use biodegradable or compostable plates, cups and dinnerware. Products such as these are made with Eco-friendly materials that decompose in less time. Compostable plates and cups can even be used in compost bins for organic fertilizer.

Use Energy-Efficient Lighting

What type of lighting do you intend to use in your event? Many event planners choose traditional incandescent bulbs, simply because they are cheapest to buy. The problem with incandescent bulbs, however, is their inefficient use of energy and low lifespan. A typical incandescent bulb will consume 60 watts of electricity and last for 1,200 hours, whereas a compact fluorescent (CFL) bulb will consume just 15 watts of electricity and last for up to 8,000 hours. Light-emitting diode (LED) bulbs are also energy-efficient, lasting for a whopping 50,000 hours.


When hosting events outside of the office, encourage guests to carpool to the venue. This will reduce greenhouse gas emissions, fuel consumption, and traffic congestion. Furthermore, carpooling reduces instances in which guests are unable to locate the event venue.

Buy Local-Grown Food

Last but not least, consider buying locally grown food for your event. Whether it’s fruit, meat, vegetables, or a combination thereof, this reduces waste while stimulating the local economy. Event planners can check out the local farmer’s market for locally grown foods.