The ease of registering for an event will directly influence its guest turnout and ticket sales. If guests must jump navigate through confusing wording just to register, you may have trouble convincing them to buy a ticket and attend your event.

Upfront Pricing

Don’t try to hide the real price of your event tickets, as this will likely come back to haunt you. Some event planners may list their tickets below the actual price in marketing and promotional material, hoping this will attract more registrations. When guests discover the actual ticket price is higher than the advertised price, though, they may change their mind about attending. Furthermore, this could attract negative reviews and other PR damage to your event’s brand image.

Ditch the Direct Mail Registrations

Allowing guests to register for your event through direct mail isn’t always the best idea. The problem with “snail mail” registration is the time it takes for mail carriers to deliver the necessary forms and packets. Opting for online or email registrations, on the other hand, allows guests to register instantly. And as a side bonus, you’ll have an easier time keeping track of who’s registered for your event.

Offer Multiple Payment Options

You can also simplify the event registration process by offering multiple payment options. If you allow guests to register online, for instance, don’t rely strictly on PayPal for payments. Not everyone has a PayPal account. And even if they do, some guests may prefer to use their credit or debit card. The bottom line is that you need to offer multiple methods of payment to accommodate the needs of all guests.

Allow Group Registrations

It’s not uncommon for organizations, businesses, and other groups to attend events. As an event planner, you should allow groups such as this to register together instead of individually. Group registrations are easier for both guests and event planners, making it a win-win scenario. You can also offer discounts for these bulk registrations and ticket purchases, encouraging large groups to attend your event.

The Shorter, the Better

Registering for an event should take no longer than 5 minutes, from start to finish. If your registration process takes longer than 5 minutes, you should go back and eliminate any unnecessary steps. Guests should enter their name, address, phone number, and payment details, bypassing any other “extra” steps. You can still pitch add-on products and services like VIP admission, but keep the registration short and sweet to boost ticket sales.

Photo credit: Klaxon