Is your event fast approaching but you still have dozens of unsold tickets? Attendance is a direct measurement of an event’s success (or failure). If you sell it out, it’s safe to assume your event was a success. So, how can you sell more tickets at the last minute?

Post Updates on Social Media

One of the easiest and most effective ways to sell event tickets at the last minute is to post updates on social media. Assuming you have a strong following on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and/or LinkedIn, try posting a message, informing your followers about your event. Being that many users check their social media accounts several times per day, this is a great way to sell tickets at the last minute.

Send an Email to Subscribers

You can also sell tickets at the last minute by sending promotional emails to your newsletter subscribers. Hopefully, you’ve already set up a newsletter for your event, in which case you can send those subscribers a promotional message advertising the event. Be sure to include instructions on how subscribers can buy tickets.

Incentive Group Ticket Sales

Rather than focusing your promotional efforts on single ticket sales, encourage users to buy multiple tickets with group discounts and incentives. If someone buys 10-20 tickets, for instance, maybe you can give them a free t-shirt. For 20-50 tickets, perhaps you can give them a free gift card. These otherwise small incentives encourage users to buy tickets in bulk, which is a great way to sell out your event on the fly.

Run a Contest

Have you thought about running a contest to sell tickets? Countless businesses and brands already use this tactic to engage their followers. For instance, you could ask users to retweet a message for a chance to win free tickets to your event. Promotional contests such as this are often shared among users, sometimes to the point of them going “viral.” When this occurs, it can drive huge amounts of ticket sales, all for the minimal cost of a free ticket at your expense.


What is live-tweeting and how can it help you sell more tickets? Live-tweeting is the act of tweeting messages in real-time, while an event or activity is still going. When your event is officially open, perhaps you can live-tweet content from the keynote speakers, encouraging users to come and check it out. Of course, attendees will miss some of your event if they buy a ticket after you live-tweet, which is why you should provide a discount or incentive of these late ticket sales.