Weddings are comprised of various aspects and responsibilities that truly make each event unique and special. In this post, we will go over how to make your wedding more special with lighting.

Wedding lighting is something that can easily be taken for granted. Some may not realize how much it can affect the vibe of the wedding reception, or how it plays a part in highlighting certain aspects in the room. For example, you may want to set a warm tone and that can be done using amber-type colored uplights. Maybe you want to create a cooler vibe if you are having a winter wedding. Think blue hints of lights spread across the reception hall. These are just some examples of how lights can set the atmosphere at your wedding.

Honeymoon Table With Background Lights

Pin lighting and monograms are an excellent way to literally highlight certain parts of the room. Pin lighting is commonly used to highlight the bride and groom’s table, the cake, or centerpiece decorations at each table to name a few. It’s the perfect way to emphasize the important aspects of the wedding that you’d want to show your guests.

Close Up of Plating on Table

Having a monogram is a very beautiful way to add a personal touch to your wedding. Typically, monograms are like stencil cut outs that are attached to lights so the monogram design will be displayed wherever the light is shown. It’s common for couples to design a monogram with their names, initials and wedding date that is either shown on the center of the dance floor or even on the walls. It’s really up to you how you want to add more flare to the room. But monograms are always a nice touch.

Close Up of Uplight

These are just some examples of how to make your wedding even more special with lighting. There really is no right or wrong way to go because each wedding is unique. If you are interested in getting more information on lighting, you can coordinate with any of our DJs who are able to provide those services. Inquire with us today if you are looking for top quality services and music entertainment for your special event, whatever it may be!