How long has it been since you and your buddies were all able to get together? Assuming it has been quite some time, then maybe it’s time to throw an online party to get everyone together virtually! But how can you do it and not end up with the party being a lame event that people log off from one at a time after you’re barely an hour in? Here are a few tips.

  • Use a platform that doesn’t limit you – If you are on Zoom, get a pro account, so your party doesn’t end 40 minutes in. You don’t want people having to log back in to hang out longer.
  • Tell everyone to dress up – It doesn’t have to be formal wear, but make sure there is a dress code. It can even be a pajama party. Just make sure everyone is on the same page.
  • Plan some activities – In person, you can break into small groups to talk, but having one person speak at a time gets boring fast in a larger group (and there’s always that person who tries to take over). Having games to play, or some other type of entertainment will move things along. Maybe you can try a talent show and let your friends all have a few minutes in the spotlight!
  • Know when to call it a night – Don’t let it drag on until people get bored. Plan your activities. Encourage people to have their own drinks and snacks if you intend to be together for a while. Have a start time and an end time.

The Best Party Entertainment in San Diego

SGM Events is known for our live entertainers in the San Diego area. While it may be a while before we can get together in person again, you can still discuss a future event or the possibility of online/recorded entertainment. Call 800.670.7308 or submit an online inquiry.