Allowing guests to register for your event online offers several notable benefits. For starters, online registration forms can be accessed from any Internet-connected computer or device, allowing guests to register whenever they please. Because the form is created online, it also eliminates the need for costly stationary. But if you’re thinking about using an online registration form for your next event, you’ll want to avoid the following problems.

Broken Links

When promoting your event registration form — whether on your website, social media, blog, etc. — double-check the link to make sure it is correct. Omitting just a single letter or character from the URL could send guests to a 404 error page instead of the actual event registration form. This, of course, will prevent prospective guests from registering for your event.

Confirmation Emails Not Being Sent

Another problem associated with online event registrations is confirmation emails not being sent to guests. Normally, an email is sent to guests after they register, containing vital information such as the event’s venue, date and time, address, billing confirmation, registration number, etc. It’s recommended that event planners and organizers test their online registration forms before making them public to ensure that confirmation emails are sent.

Long Load Times

How long does it take your event registration form to load? If prospective guests are forced to wait longer than ten seconds, some of them will likely back out without registering. You can optimize your online registration forms for faster load times by reducing its file size, using a reputable hosting service, and cleaning up the code.

Incorrect Event Information

Go over the information listed on your registration form, checking for typos and errors. Displaying the wrong date, for instance, could have disastrous consequences. Even if the majority of guests know the correct date, some of them arrive to the venue on the date listed here instead. Performing a quick fact-check will prevent headaches such as this from arising with your event.

Not Compatible on Mobile Devices

Just because your event registration form loads and functions on a desktop computer doesn’t necessarily mean that it will work on a mobile device. Smartphones and tablets have different screen sizes, different operating systems, and different web browsers. This may lead to compatibility problems when accessing a registration form on a mobile device as opposed to a desktop computer, restricting the number of guests who can register for your event. The bottom line is that you need to make sure your online registration form is compatible on both desktops and mobile devices.